Version | Date | Description |
7.0.0.CR1 | 25-01-2018 | JSON Serialization |
6.0.1.GA | 16-08-2016 | Java 8 Update |
6.0.0.GA | 16-08-2016 | Java 8 Update |
5.0.0.GA | 14-12-2015 | Hibernate 5 and Multitenancy |
4.0.0.GA | 07-07-2015 | New Features |
3.2.0.GA | 23-04-2014 | JSR354, Backport to Hibernate 3.6, JTA APIs, JMS Batching, Preparation for JDBC 4.2 and Bugfixes |
3.1.0.GA | 11-03-2014 | Cloning Library, JSR310 (Java 8) and ThreeTen Backport, New Types, Better Zoning |
3.0.0.GA | 21-10-2012 | New Types, (including for LibPhonenumber and Joda Money), Autoregistration, Hibernate 4, and Bugfixes |
2.0.1 | 19-03-2012 | Fix for LocalDate defect |
2.0 | 07-07-2011 | Support for Hibernate 4 Beta 2 |
1.9.1 | 18-03-2012 | Fix for LocalDate defect |
1.9 | 01-07-2011 | Support for @Version, querying against properties for multicolumn types and Hibernate in Maven Central |
1.8 | 02-12-2010 | Custom Handling of Database and JVM timezones |
1.7 | 20-11-2010 | Bugfix Release |
1.6 | 13-11-2010 | Maintenance Release |
1.5 | 07-10-2010 | Bugfix |
1.4 | 04-10-2010 | Hibernate 3.6 compatibility |
1.3.1 | 13-09-2010 | UTC DateTime Behaviour Tweak |
1.3 | 06-09-2010 | Fix Java 5 Support |
1.2 | 01-06-2010 | Central Sync Up |
1.1 | 30-04-2010 | New Types |
1.0 | 22-04-2010 | Initial Release |
Type | Changes | By |
Support JDK 9 version. Thanks to Artem Prigoda. Fixes #62 | Chris Pheby | |
Updated to (and requires) Hibernate 5.2.12 or later | Chris Pheby | |
Deprecated the DstSafe types due to implementation of hibernate.jdbc.time_zone in Hibernate 5.2.x | Chris Pheby | |
Changed databaseZone so that it reconfigures (proxies) the Hibernate property. Note that Database Zone uses JDK TimeZone formats in all cases. Fixes #58 | Chris Pheby | |
Update Spring to 5.0.2 | Chris Pheby | |
Updated many library dependencies | Chris Pheby | |
Updated Weld-dependencies to 2.4.6. Fixes #67 | Chris Pheby | |
Marked EntityManager module as optional. Fixes #51 | Chris Pheby | |
Minor documentation fixes. Fixes #60 Fixes #55 | Chris Pheby | |
Added DTDs for DBUnit files and various fixes to XML files | Chris Pheby | |
Updated to Maven 3.5.2 | Chris Pheby | |
Removed the previously deprecated 310 backport types | Chris Pheby | |
Minor enhancements to the API signatures for Cloning's Objenesis integration | Chris Pheby | |
Fixed NullPointer in PersistentJsonObjectAsString. Fixes #65 | Chris Pheby | |
Added Indriya (Units of Measure) user types implementation #15 | Chris Pheby | |
Add Concurrence-friendly implementation of Hibernate ParameterizedType. Fix by Akarsh Jain. Fixes #69 | Chris Pheby | |
Removed a duplicate in the Checkstyle configuration. PR from infstylecheck Fixes #62 | Chris Pheby | |
Serialization of Objects to String using JSON (this addition supported by Computing Distribution Group Ltd) | Chris Pheby | |
Serialization of Maps to String using JSON (this addition supported by Computing Distribution Group Ltd) | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Refactor scanner for Java 8 to use streams | Chris Pheby | |
Work around problem in Spring environment when proxying entity manager factory in BaseJpaRepository | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Jadira now requires Java 8 across all modules | Chris Pheby | |
Hibernate 3.6 modules have been removed from sources | Chris Pheby | |
Compatibility with Hibernate 5.2 | Chris Pheby | |
Joda Time Backport types have been deprecated as anyone using Java 8 should transition away from it | Chris Pheby | |
Joda DateTimeAsString and LocalDateTimeAsString have been tweaked to ensure output complies with other temporal libraries | Chris Pheby | |
Resolved a Stackoverflowerror in scanner under Java 8 | Chris Pheby | |
Usertype-extended has been removed - all its types can be found in Usertype-core now. | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Threeten types use ZoneID instead of ZoneOffset (Thanks to Sodasmile) | Chris Pheby | |
Refactored profiles into sub-projects | Chris Pheby | |
Fixed Integrator behaviour under Hibernate 5 | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Support for PostgreSQL Enum Type (Suggested by Rudi Wijaya) | Chris Pheby | |
Fix Connection leak in Integrator (Reported by Brett Wooldridge) | Chris Pheby | |
Disable detection of JDBC 4.2.x API when Hibernate JDBC Services don't resolve (occurs on Hibernate 4.2.x) (Reported by Rudi Wijaya) Fixes JDF-81. | Chris Pheby | |
Fix for handling of 310 LocalDateTime (reported with fix by gkopff) | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Support Java Money (Moneta) Fixes JDF-76. | Chris Pheby | |
Add Adapters for Commons-IO to Commons-NIO Fixes JDF-77. | Chris Pheby | |
Implement Spring / Hibernate / JTA Integration Fixes JDF-78. | Chris Pheby | |
JMS Transactional Batching Fixes JDF-79. | Chris Pheby | |
Backport to Hibernate 3.6 | Chris Pheby | |
Sniffing for JDBC 4.2 API Fixes JDF-80. | Chris Pheby | |
New PersistentDuration types Fixes JDF-80. | Chris Pheby | |
New PersistentMonthDayAsDate and PersistentMonthDayAsTimestamp types Fixes JDF-80. | Chris Pheby | |
New PersistentYearAsString type Fixes JDF-80. | Chris Pheby | |
Renamed PersistentMonthAsInteger, PersistentOffsetTime, PersistentYearAsInteger Fixes JDF-80. | Chris Pheby | |
Fix incorrect conversion in ThreeTen DateColumnLocalDateMapper from LocalDate to sql.Date (Reported by Jeff Stano) | Chris Pheby | |
Fix incorrect conversion in ThreeTenBP DateColumnLocalDateMapper from LocalDate to sql.Date (Reported by Jeff Stano) | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Java 8 JSR-310 user types support (without backport) Fixes JDF-72. | Chris Pheby | |
Add an AsmCloneStrategy Fixes JDF-62. | Chris Pheby | |
Implementation of Jadira Cloning library Fixes JDF-59. | Chris Pheby | |
Add equals implementation to Cloning module Fixes JDF-64. | Chris Pheby | |
Add hashCode implementation to Cloning module Fixes JDF-65. | Chris Pheby | |
Add concept of @Flat (like Fast Serialization) to Cloning Fixes JDF-68. | Chris Pheby | |
Add implementation of the IntervalBisection algorithm Fixes JDF-53. | Chris Pheby | |
Add an FMPP Maven Plugin Fixes JDF-57. | Chris Pheby | |
usertype.extended and Threenten project synchronization Fixes JDF-25. | Chris Pheby | |
Add Classpath Introspection capability Fixes JDF-32. | Chris Pheby | |
Create Dependency Management Pom.xml Fixes JDF-31. | Chris Pheby | |
Add PersistentDateTimeAsUtcString. Thanks to DWijnand | Chris Pheby | |
Add PersistentMinutes mapping for Joda Time Fixes JDF-46. | Chris Pheby | |
Adding Oracle Profile to Verify Timezone Handling on Oracle Fixes JDF-42. | Chris Pheby | |
Refactor Cloning to support additional Object walking use cases Fixes JDF-63. | Chris Pheby | |
Make reference tracking optional and provide an alternative mechanism for avoiding stackoverflow in cloning Fixes JDF-67. | Chris Pheby | |
Organise tests into suite to accelerate test execution Fixes JDF-58. | Chris Pheby | |
Remove Maven Eclipse and Idea Plugins Fixes JDF-50. | Chris Pheby | |
Switch to Github for Source Code Hosting Fixes JDF-51. | Chris Pheby | |
Update to Hibernate 4.2.x Fixes JDF-52. | Chris Pheby | |
DatabaseZone parameter can be applied to multicolumn types Fixes JDF-49. | Chris Pheby | |
Update to ThreeTen Backport 0.8.1 Fixes JDF-44. | Chris Pheby | |
Update Bindings to Use Method Handle. Also introduces a dependency on Java 7 or later (for bindings module) Fixes JDF-35. | Chris Pheby | |
Update to Joda Money 0.8 and Joda Time 2.2 Fixes JDF-38. | Chris Pheby | |
Zone is now configurable for Joda's PersistentInstant Fixes JDF-27. | Chris Pheby | |
Remove use of Spring API deprecated in 3.1+ Fixes JDF-30. | Chris Pheby | |
Fmpp Maven Plugin now uses Annotations rather than Javadoc Tags Fixes JDF-73. | Chris Pheby | |
Update to Hibernate 4.3.4 | Chris Pheby | |
Javadoc now generated using JDK 8 | Chris Pheby | |
Fix auto-registration for JBoss Wildfly Fixes JDF-70. | Chris Pheby | |
New implementation for databaseZone that uses the overloaded set/getTimestamp methods in JDBC | Chris Pheby | |
JDF-69 Fix issues with DST transition. Thanks to Matt Drees, Victor Volle and Dennis Brakhane Fixes JDF-59. | Chris Pheby | |
Apply Sonar Ruleset Compliance Fixes JDF-55. | Chris Pheby | |
Better warning for non-static methods with heuristic types Fixes JDF-56. | Chris Pheby | |
Update Joda Mapping for Date and Time types Fixes JDF-47. | Chris Pheby | |
Resolved entities with multiple LocalDateTime fields are retrieved with incorrect values Fixes JDF-48. | Chris Pheby | |
Update Joda Mapping to use direct millisecond value Fixes JDF-45. | Chris Pheby | |
Correct service loader configuration for Bindings Fixes JDF-33. | Chris Pheby | |
Retrieving classes in package should not return inner classes Fixes JDF-34. | Chris Pheby | |
PersistentEnum does not convert constants in HQL Queries. Resolution proposed by Adriano Machado Fixes JDF-36. | Chris Pheby | |
PersistentEnum causes ClassCastException if org.hibernate loglevel is set to DEBUG. Resolution proposed by Adriano Machado Fixes JDF-37. | Chris Pheby | |
Work around JDK Compilation Guard Fixes JDF-39. | Chris Pheby | |
Fix error in JpaBaseRepository Fixes JDF-40. | Chris Pheby | |
Printing not supported exception thrown in StringColumnLocalTimeMapper with Joda Time 2.2. Reported by Marko Lavikainen Fixes JDF-41. | Chris Pheby | |
For Joda's PersistentPeriodAsString, PeriodType is now persisted for Periods that are have a non-standard (i.e. not standard()) type. Reported by Phil at Inversebit Fixes JDF-28. | Chris Pheby | |
Correct Services Entry for Bindings Fixes JDF-29. | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Resolve problem using Usertype with Hibernate Tools. Reported by Chun Chong Liao and Stéphane Bouteille Fixes JDF-22. | Chris Pheby | |
Bindings module now requires Java 6 Fixes JDF-23. | Chris Pheby | |
Refactored support for legacy JDK types Fixes JDF-7. | Chris Pheby | |
Work around ClassNotFound issue on JBoss Fixes JDF-19. | Chris Pheby | |
Added JPA Repository implementations Fixes JDF-20. | Chris Pheby | |
Fixed handling of local types when stored offset from GMT Fixes JDF-4. | Chris Pheby | |
Adding support for persistence with libphonenumber and related value type Fixes JDF-6. | Chris Pheby | |
Fixing PersistentLocalDate behaviour, based on suggestion from Eric Dalquist Fixes JDF-26. | Chris Pheby | |
Fix for ThreadLocal Resource leak in AbstractUserTypeHibernateIntegrator, thanks to Thilo-Alexander Ginkel | Chris Pheby | |
Added generated ISOCurrencyCodes enumeration and related interface | Chris Pheby | |
Added auto registration of Joda PersistentLocalDateTime usertype | Chris Pheby | |
Fix for failure to execute in recent JDK6 and JDK7 builds. Note that under JDK6 you are recommended to use fixed JVM Timezones due to an issue with this JDK that cannot be resolved | Chris Pheby | |
Added hashcode, equals and getters to the Offset type. | Chris Pheby | |
Migrating tracker to Jira. | Chris Pheby | |
Fix behaviour for Joda LocalDate with some historical (and potentially future) dates where timezone changes occurred. Issue and resolution proposed by Paul Middelkoop | Chris Pheby | |
Fix behaviour where a manually set default Joda DateTimeZone is ignored. See | Chris Pheby | |
Fix error where the default currency code test is wrong, requiring 'seed' to be defined unnecessarily. Issue reported by Marty Pitt | Chris Pheby | |
Address use of components in criteria queries. Reported by Aaron Harshbarger | Chris Pheby | |
Add convenience constructors to mappers so they can be used more easily outside of the user types. | Chris Pheby | |
Workaround issue where JDK uses the VM Timezone for constructing Java SQL Types. Caused issue reported by Jörg Eichhorn | Chris Pheby | |
Apply zoning to PersistentLocalDate and PersistentYearMonthDay. | Chris Pheby | |
Store offset for non-fixed zones to better support DST rollovers. | Chris Pheby | |
Renamed module from usertype.jodatime to usertype.core | Chris Pheby | |
Renamed module from usertype.jsr310 to usertype.extended | Chris Pheby | |
Global registration of configuration parameters | Chris Pheby | |
Auto registration of user types. Based on suggestion by Dominic | Chris Pheby | |
Added support for Joda Time 2's MonthDay type | Chris Pheby | |
Added support for Joda Time 2's YearMonth type | Chris Pheby | |
Added support for Joda Money 0.6 | Chris Pheby | |
Renamed the Legacy JDK Temporal Usertype classes | Chris Pheby | |
Updated to Hibernate 4.0.1 Final | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Fix behaviour for Joda LocalDate with some historical (and potentially future) dates where timezone changes occurred. Issue and resolution proposed by Paul Middelkoop | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Initial release supporting Hibernate 4. Thanks for initial patch from Matt Drees. | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Fix behaviour for Joda LocalDate with some historical (and potentially future) dates where timezone changes occurred. Issue and resolution proposed by Paul Middelkoop | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Improve robustness of mappings of Time types to Timestamps | Chris Pheby | |
Support @Version functionality | Chris Pheby | |
Allow usertype properties to be dereferenced in queries | Chris Pheby | |
Usertype classes are now serializable | Chris Pheby | |
Fix compatibility with the Hibernate 3.6 jar in Maven central | Chris Pheby | |
For JSR-310 restored the Joda Time roundtrip tests now Joda Time Contrib supports Hibernate 3.6 | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
For DateTime and Instant types stored as Timestamp, the database timezone can be driven by parameters on the usertype(s) | Chris Pheby | |
For DateTime stored as Timestamp allow the JVM (presentation) zone can be customised from parameters on the usertype | Chris Pheby | |
Default presentation (JVM) zone for DateTime is now the JVM zone | Chris Pheby | |
Update to JSR 310 0.6.3 | Chris Pheby | |
Adding initial implementation of new offsetting types for JSR 310 | Chris Pheby | |
Update to Joda Time 2.0 | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Resolve issue persisting Joda LocalDateTime to String format | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue where Joda PersistentDateTimeWithZone cannot be restored from the database reported by Jeffrey Schneller Fixes 3112888. | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue saving Joda PersistentDateTimeAsString | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue saving Joda PersistentDateTimeWithZone | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue saving Joda PersistentDateTimeZoneAsString | Chris Pheby | |
Bugfixes for Joda PersistentInterval | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Build now performed using Maven 3 | Chris Pheby | |
Updated JSR 310 support to compile against JSR 310 0.6.2 | Chris Pheby | |
JSR 310 support now tested against Hibernate 3.6.0.Final | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue where DateMidnight cannot be restored from the database reported by Nils Hartmann | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue where only the first column of a multi-column null value was being stored as null | Chris Pheby | |
Resolve issue with exception in disassembly when value is null. Issue reported by John Krasnay and Steffen Gemein | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Fix a NullPointerException when using types in HQL suggested by Alison Winters | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Link Joda Time 1.6.2 | Chris Pheby | |
Tracking Hibernate 3.6.0 releases | Chris Pheby | |
Link SLF4J 1.6.1 | Chris Pheby | |
Updated Maven plugin dependencies | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
PersistentDateTime now always represents the DateTime in UTC zone (as stored) when reading back from the Database. | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Fix compilation on Java 5 for Joda Time support. NB. JSR 310 requires Java 6. Reported by Javed Mandary | Chris Pheby | |
Added PersistentDateTimeWithZone to replace previous PersistentDateTime. New PersistentDateTime class persists to a single column without zone. | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Modularise build so Joda Time support can be synchronized to central | Chris Pheby | |
Update JSR 310 support to Hibernate 3.5.2 | Chris Pheby | |
Uses New JBoss Nexus Repository | Chris Pheby |
Type | Changes | By |
Added support for Instant types and DurationAsString | Chris Pheby | |
Refactored package names and added unit tests | Chris Pheby | |
Added user types for Joda Time | Chris Pheby |