CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.0.2.


File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\JodaConvertConverterProvider.java 28
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\StringConverterProvider.java 28
public class JodaConvertConverterProvider extends AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider<ToString, FromString> implements ConverterProvider {
	 * Subclasses can override this template method with their own matching strategy
	 * @param method The method to be determined
	 * @return True if match
	protected boolean isToMatch(Method method) {
		return String.class.equals(method.getReturnType());

	 * Subclasses can override this template method with their own matching strategy
	 * @param constructor The constructor to be determined
	 * @return True if match
	protected boolean isFromMatch(Constructor<?> constructor) {
		return String.class.equals(constructor.getParameterTypes()[0]);

	 * Subclasses can override this template method with their own matching strategy
	 * @param method The method to be determined
	 * @return True if match
	protected boolean isFromMatch(Method method) {
		return String.class.equals(method.getParameterTypes()[0]);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodConstructorBinding.java 62
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConstructorFromUnmarshaller.java 75
            return unmarshal.newInstance(str);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Constructor is not accessible");
        } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Constructor is not valid");
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 102
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 88
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        	if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public Class<S> getBoundClass() {
        return boundClass;
	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public Class<T> getTargetClass() {
		return targetClass;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 279
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 313
                for (Provider nextProvider : nextConfig.getProviders()) {
	                try {
	                } catch (InstantiationException e) {
	                    throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot instantiate binding provider class: " + nextProvider.getProviderClass().getName());
	                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
	                    throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access binding provider class: " + nextProvider.getProviderClass().getName());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConstructorFromUnmarshaller.java 59
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 71
        Class<T> myTarget = (Class<T>)unmarshal.getParameterTypes()[0];
        this.targetClass = myTarget;

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public S unmarshal(T object) {
    	if (object != null && !targetClass.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) {
    		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied object was not instance of target class");
        try {
            return unmarshal.newInstance(object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 102
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConstructorFromUnmarshaller.java 80
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 88
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        	if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public Class<S> getBoundClass() {
        return boundClass;
	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public Class<T> getTargetClass() {
		return targetClass;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 402
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 420
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 438
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 456
                registerBinding(binding.getBoundClass(), binding.getTargetClass(), binding, theBinding.getQualifier());
            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot instantiate binding class: " + theBinding.getBindingClass().getName());
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot access binding class: " + theBinding.getBindingClass().getName());
        } else if (FromUnmarshaller.class.isAssignableFrom(theBinding.getBindingClass())) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 62
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 59
            throw new IllegalStateException("unmarshal method must be parameterized by " + targetClass.getSimpleName());
        if (!boundClass.isAssignableFrom(unmarshal.getReturnType())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("unmarshal method must return " + boundClass.getSimpleName());
        try {
			this.unmarshalHandle = LOOKUP.unreflect(unmarshal);
		} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Method is not accessible" + unmarshal);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 104
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 153
		Map<ConverterKey<?, ?>, Constructor<O>> matchedConstructors = new HashMap<ConverterKey<?, ?>, Constructor<O>>();
		Class<F> fromAnnotation = (Class<F>) TypeHelper.getTypeArguments(

		Class<?> loopCls = cls;

		while (loopCls != Object.class) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\CompositeBinding.java 38
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\InverseCompositeBinding.java 53
    public CompositeBinding(ToMarshaller<S, T> marshal, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> unmarshal) {
        if (unmarshal == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unmarshaller may not be null");
        if (marshal == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Marshaller may not be null");
        this.unmarshal = unmarshal;
        this.marshal = marshal;

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public T marshal(S object) {
        return marshal.marshal(object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\CompositeBinding.java 56
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\FromBinding.java 48
        return marshal.marshal(object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public S unmarshal(T inputString) {
        return unmarshal.unmarshal(inputString);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public Class<S> getBoundClass() {
		return unmarshal.getBoundClass();

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public Class<T> getTargetClass() {
		return unmarshal.getTargetClass();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1110
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1124
			Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> nextMethods = nextConverter.matchToMethods(target);
			for(ConverterKey<?,?> currentKey : nextMethods.keySet()) {
				if (previouslySeenKeys.contains(currentKey)) {
					throw new IllegalStateException("Method is resolved by two converters: " + currentKey.toString());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodConstructorBinding.java 44
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConstructorFromUnmarshaller.java 44
        super(unmarshal.getDeclaringClass(), targetClass, marshal);
        if (getBoundClass().isInterface() 
                || Modifier.isAbstract(getBoundClass().getModifiers()) 
                || getBoundClass().isLocalClass() 
                || getBoundClass().isMemberClass()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("unmarshal constructor must have an instantiable target class");
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 82
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 87
            return getBoundClass().cast(unmarshalHandle.invoke(string));
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        	if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 83
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 102
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        	if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 83
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 186
	private boolean signatureIndicatesToMethodCandidate(Method method) {
		if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
			return false;
		if (method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) {
			return false;
		if (!isToMatch(method)) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 54
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 55
        if (unmarshal.getParameterTypes().length != 1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("unmarshal method must define a single parameter");
        if (!Modifier.isStatic(unmarshal.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("unmarshal method must be defined as static");

        if (unmarshal.getParameterTypes()[0] != targetClass) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodConstructorBinding.java 67
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 83
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodConstructorBinding.java 67
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 102
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 88
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 83
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConstructorFromUnmarshaller.java 80
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        	if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
            throw new BindingException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 40
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 151
	public <I,O> Map<ConverterKey<?, ?>, Method> matchToMethods(Class<?> cls) {

		Map<ConverterKey<?, ?>, Method> matchedMethods = new HashMap<ConverterKey<?, ?>, Method>();
		Class<T> toAnnotation = (Class<T>) TypeHelper.getTypeArguments(
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 878
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 169
		return findUnmarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param source The source (owning) class
	 * @param target The target (foreign) class
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the binding must be registered
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 36
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1179
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, output, object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public <T> T convertFromString(Class<T> output, String object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, output, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 68
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1197
		return binder.convertTo(input, String.class, object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public <S> String convertToString(Class<S> input, Object object,
			Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(input, String.class, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 944
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 186

	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the marshaller must be registered 
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return findMarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 975
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 202

	 * Resolve a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param source The source class
	 * @param target The target class
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the marshaller must be registered   
	public <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return findConverter(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1008
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 218

	 * Resolve an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the unmarshaller must be registered 
	public <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return findUnmarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 75
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 122
    <S, T> void registerConverter(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Converter<S, T> converter);
	 * Register a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param sourceClass The source (owning) class
	 * @param targetClass The target (foreign) class
	 * @param converter The binding to be registered
	 * @param <S> Source type
	 * @param <T> Target type
    <S, T> void registerBinding(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Binding<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 47
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 158

		Class<?> loopCls = cls;

		while (loopCls != Object.class) {
			Method[] methods = loopCls.getDeclaredMethods();
			for (Method method : methods) {
				if (signatureIndicatesToMethodCandidate(method)) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 249
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 257
        for (Annotation next : bindingAnnotation.annotationType().getAnnotations()) {
            Class<? extends Annotation> nextType = next.annotationType();
            if (nextType.getAnnotation(BindingScope.class) != null) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1151
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1155
                ConstructorFromUnmarshaller<I,O> fromUnmarshaller = new ConstructorFromUnmarshaller<I,O>(con); 
                registerBinding(key.getInputClass(), key.getOutputClass(), new CompositeBinding<I,O>(toMarshaller, fromUnmarshaller), key.getQualifierAnnotation());               
            } else if (fromMethod != null) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 149
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 296
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 161
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 312
	<S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 546
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 558
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 570
        registerBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, scope == null ? DefaultBinding.class : scope), converter);	

	 * Register an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The FromUnmarshaller to be registered  
	public final <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 597
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 624
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 646
		registerBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier), converter);

	 * Register a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param key Converter Key to use
	 * @param converter The binding to be registered
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Binding<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 122
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 169
						List<Class<? extends Annotation>> qualifiers = determineQualifiers(fromConstructorAnnotation, constructor.getAnnotations());
						for (Class<? extends Annotation> nextQualifier : qualifiers) {
							Class<I> paramType = (Class<I>)constructor.getParameterTypes()[0];
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1064
org\jadira\bindings\core\spring\BindingConverter.java 84
        for (Annotation next : implementation.getAnnotations()) {
            Class<? extends Annotation> nextType = next.annotationType();
            if (nextType.getAnnotation(BindingScope.class) != null) {
                return nextType;
        return null;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1064
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 249
        for (Annotation next : implementation.getAnnotations()) {
            Class<? extends Annotation> nextType = next.annotationType();
            if (nextType.getAnnotation(BindingScope.class) != null) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 249
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 289
		BINDING.registerBinding(sourceClass, targetClass, converter);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    /* @Override */
	public <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 257
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 305
		BINDING.registerUnmarshaller(sourceClass, targetClass, converter);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    /* @Override */
	public <S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 265
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 321
		BINDING.registerMarshaller(sourceClass, targetClass, converter);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    /* @Override */
	public <S, T> void registerConverter(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Converter<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingConfigurationEntry.java 86
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingConfigurationEntry.java 108
			Method fromMethod) {
		this.sourceClass = sourceClass;
		this.targetClass = targetClass;
		this.qualifier = qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier;
		this.toMethod = toMethod;
		this.fromMethod = fromMethod;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 36
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1179
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 361
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, output, object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public <T> T convertFromString(Class<T> output, String object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, output, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 525
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 582
        return (I) extendedBinders.get(cls);
     *                *
     * Registration   * 
     *                *
	 * Register a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param source The source (owning) class
	 * @param target The target (foreign) class
	 * @param converter The binding to be registered
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Binding<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 546
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 611
        registerBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, scope == null ? DefaultBinding.class : scope), converter);	

	 * Register an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The FromUnmarshaller to be registered  
	public final <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 558
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 634
        registerUnmarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, scope == null ? DefaultBinding.class : scope), converter);	

	 * Register a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The ToMarshaller to be registered
	public final <S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 570
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 656
        registerMarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, scope == null ? DefaultBinding.class : scope), converter);	
	 * Register a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param input The input class
	 * @param output The output class
	 * @param converter The Converter to be registered   
	public final <S, T> void registerConverter(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Converter<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 805
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 68
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 954
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 985
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1018
		return findMarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param key The key to look up
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 68
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1197
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 395
		return binder.convertTo(input, String.class, object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public <S> String convertToString(Class<S> input, Object object,
			Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(input, String.class, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 829
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 137
		return conv.convert(myObject);
     *                       *
     * Conversion Resolution * 
     *                       *
	 * Resolve a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param source The source (owning) class
	 * @param target The target (foreign) class
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 848
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 145
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
		return findMarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 868
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 161
		return findConverter(new ConverterKey<S,T>(input, output, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
		return findUnmarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 241
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 273
     * {@inheritDoc}
    /* @Override */
	public <S, T> void registerBinding(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Binding<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\CompositeBinding.java 48
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\ToBinding.java 39
        this.marshal = marshal;

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public T marshal(S object) {
        return marshal.marshal(object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public S unmarshal(T inputString) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 60
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1193
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object, qualifier);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public <S> String convertToString(Class<S> input, Object object) {
		return binder.convertTo(input, String.class, object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 731
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 104
		return convertTo(output, object, DefaultBinding.class);
	 * Convert an object to the given target class
	 * This method infers the source type for the conversion from the runtime type of object.
	 * @param output The target class to convert the object to
	 * @param object The object to be converted
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the binding must be registered
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<T> output, Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 926
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 933
				if (theBinding.getBoundClass().equals(key.getInputClass())) {
					final Binding<S, T>myBinding = (Binding<S, T>)theBinding;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1064
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 257
        for (Annotation next : implementation.getAnnotations()) {
            Class<? extends Annotation> nextType = next.annotationType();
            if (nextType.getAnnotation(BindingScope.class) != null) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 111
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 161
	<S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter);
	 * Register a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param sourceClass The source (input) class
	 * @param targetClass The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The Converter to be registered
	 * @param <S> Source type
	 * @param <T> Target type   
    <S, T> void registerConverter(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Converter<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 130
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 142
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 154
    <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target, final Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the marshaller must be registered
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type
	 * @return The found Marshaller 
    <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target, final Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\jdk\CalendarStringBinding.java 30
org\jadira\bindings\core\jdk\DateStringBinding.java 29
public class CalendarStringBinding extends AbstractStringBinding<Calendar> implements Binding<Calendar, String> {

    private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> DATE_FORMAT = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() {
        public SimpleDateFormat initialValue() {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingConfigurationEntry.java 73
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingConfigurationEntry.java 95
		this.fromConstructor = null;
	 * Create a new entry for the given options
	 * @param sourceClass The source class to be bound
	 * @param targetClass The foreign side of the relationship
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier
	 * @param toMethod The to method to be bound
	 * @param fromMethod The from method to be bound
	public BindingConfigurationEntry(Class<?> sourceClass, Class<?> targetClass,
			Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier, Method toMethod,
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 249
org\jadira\bindings\core\spring\BindingConverter.java 84
        for (Annotation next : bindingAnnotation.annotationType().getAnnotations()) {
            Class<? extends Annotation> nextType = next.annotationType();
            if (nextType.getAnnotation(BindingScope.class) != null) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 89
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 137
    <S, T> void registerBinding(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Binding<S, T> converter);

	 * Register an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param sourceClass The source (input) class
	 * @param targetClass The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The FromUnmarshaller to be registered
	 * @param <S> Source type
	 * @param <T> Target type  
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 100
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 256
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 100
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 149
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter);
	 * Register a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param sourceClass The source (input) class
	 * @param targetClass The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The ToMarshaller to be registered
	 * @param <S> Source type
	 * @param <T> Target type
	<S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 111
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 264
	<S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 137
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 280
    <S, T> void registerBinding(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Binding<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 173
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 328
    <S, T> void registerConverter(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Converter<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 609
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 633
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Binding<S, T> converter) {
		registerConverter(key.invert(), new FromUnmarshallerConverter<S,T>(converter));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 829
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 878
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 137
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 169
		return conv.convert(myObject);
     *                       *
     * Conversion Resolution * 
     *                       *
	 * Resolve a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param source The source (owning) class
	 * @param target The target (foreign) class
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 848
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 145
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 185
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 868
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 161
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 217
		return findConverter(new ConverterKey<S,T>(input, output, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 100
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 296
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 111
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 312
	<S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 149
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 256
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 161
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 264
	<S, T> void registerMarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 68
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 115
    <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key);

	 * Resolve a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * <br>
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param source The source (owning) class
	 * @param target The target (foreign) class
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type
	 * @return The found Binding
    <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 82
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 130
    <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type
	 * @return The found Marshaller
    <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 93
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 142
    <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
	 * Resolve a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param source The input class
	 * @param target The output class
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type  
	 * @return The found Converter
    <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 104
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 154
    <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
	 * Resolve an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type 
	 * @return The found Unmarshaller
    <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 153
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 201
		return BINDING.findMarshaller(source, target);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    /* @Override */
	public <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 205
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 231
        Class<?> providerClass = lookupClass(element.getAttribute("class"));

        if (providerClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Referenced class {" + element.getAttribute("class")
                    + "} could not be found");
        if (!ConverterProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(providerClass)) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 57
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 169
						List<Class<? extends Annotation>> qualifiers = determineQualifiers(toMethodAnnotation, method.getAnnotations());
						for (Class<? extends Annotation> nextQualifier : qualifiers) {
							Class<O> returnType = (Class<O>)method.getReturnType();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 102
org\jadira\bindings\core\spi\ConverterProvider.java 45
	public <I,O> Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Constructor<O>> matchFromConstructors(Class<O> cls) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 52
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1188
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public String convertToString(Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 849
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 944
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 146

	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 869
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1008
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 162

	 * Resolve an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 975
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 154

	 * Resolve a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param source The source class
	 * @param target The target class
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the marshaller must be registered   
	public <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 609
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 288
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Binding<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 633
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 304
	public final <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 655
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 320
	public final <S, T> void registerMarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 677
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 336
	public final <S, T> void registerConverter(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Converter<S, T> converter) {	
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 741
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 43
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 111
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<T> output, Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 848
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 858
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 878
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class 
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 892
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 954
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 985
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1018
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 954
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 193
		return findMarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param key The key to look up
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 985
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 209
		return findConverter(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
	 * Resolve a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param key The key to look up
	public <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1018
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 225
		return findUnmarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
	 * Resolve an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param key The key to look up 
	public <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1107
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1121
	private void matchTo(Class<?> target, Set<ConverterKey<?,?>> previouslySeenKeys, Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> toMethods) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1107
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1121
	private void matchTo(Class<?> target, Set<ConverterKey<?,?>> previouslySeenKeys, Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> toMethods) {

		for (ConverterProvider nextConverter : converterProviders) {
			Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> nextMethods = nextConverter.matchToMethods(target);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 43
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 68
	<S,T> T convertTo(Class<T> output, Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
	// TODO Add find methods equating to convertTo
	 * Convert an object which is an instance of source class to the given target class
	 * @param input The class of the object to be converted
	 * @param output The target class to convert the object to
	 * @param object The object to be converted
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type
	 * @return The result of the conversion
	<S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 113
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 121
		return BINDING.convertTo(output, object, qualifier);
     * {@inheritDoc}
    /* @Override */
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> target, Object object) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 176
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 192
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 208
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 224
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return BINDING.findBinding(source, target, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\ConverterToMarshaller.java 52
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConverterFromUnmarshaller.java 34
    public ConverterToMarshaller(Converter<S,T> converter) {
    	if (converter == null) {
    		throw new IllegalStateException("converter must not be null");
        this.converter = converter;     

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public T marshal(S object) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 331
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 344
	                        fromMethod = bindingClass.getMethod(fromMethodName, new Class[] { String.class });
	                    } catch (SecurityException e) {
	                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 57
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 122
						List<Class<? extends Annotation>> qualifiers = determineQualifiers(toMethodAnnotation, method.getAnnotations());
						for (Class<? extends Annotation> nextQualifier : qualifiers) {
							Class<O> returnType = (Class<O>)method.getReturnType();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 94
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 194
		if ((!(Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1))
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 237
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 251
            builtInBindingsUrl = new URL(classPrefix + "META-INF/bindings.xml");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Error registering bindings: " + e.getMessage(), e);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 544
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 556
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 568
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 580
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Binding<S, T> converter) {
        Class<? extends Annotation> scope = matchImplementationToScope(converter.getClass());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 609
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 45
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 288
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Binding<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 611
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 656
		registerConverter(key, new ToMarshallerConverter<S,T>(converter));

	 * Register an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The FromUnmarshaller to be registered
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the unmarshaller must be registered  
	public final <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 633
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 55
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 304
	public final <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 655
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 65
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 320
	public final <S, T> void registerMarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key, ToMarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 677
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 75
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 336
	public final <S, T> void registerConverter(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Converter<S, T> converter) {	
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 786
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 796
	 * Convert an object which is an instance of source class to the given target class
	 * @param input The class of the object to be converted
	 * @param output The target class to convert the object to
	 * @param object The object to be converted
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1086
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1087
		Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> toMethods = new HashMap<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method>();
		Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> fromMethods = new HashMap<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method>();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 130
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 142
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 154
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 166
    <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target, final Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 40
org\jadira\bindings\core\spi\ConverterProvider.java 36
	public <I,O> Map<ConverterKey<?, ?>, Method> matchToMethods(Class<?> cls) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 96
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 145
			(!(!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0))) {
			return false;
		return true;

	public <I,O> Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Constructor<O>> matchFromConstructors(Class<O> cls) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 151
org\jadira\bindings\core\spi\ConverterProvider.java 54
	public <I,O> Map<ConverterKey<?,?>, Method> matchFromMethods(Class<?> cls) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\annotation\Convert.java 40
org\jadira\bindings\core\annotation\From.java 35
org\jadira\bindings\core\annotation\typesafe\FromString.java 35
@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR })
public @interface Convert {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 43
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1182
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\StringBinder.java 39
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 368
	public <T> T convertFromString(Class<T> output, String object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 60
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1193
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 387
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object, qualifier);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public <S> String convertToString(Class<S> input, Object object) {
		return binder.convertTo(input, String.class, object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 75
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1200
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\StringBinder.java 75
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 402
	public <S> String convertToString(Class<S> input, Object object,
			Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 546
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 558
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 570
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 582
        registerBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, scope == null ? DefaultBinding.class : scope), converter);	

	 * Register an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The FromUnmarshaller to be registered  
	public final <S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 597
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 624
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 646
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 892
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 954
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 985
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1018
		registerBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier), converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 597
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 624
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 646
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 668
		registerBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier), converter);

	 * Register a Binding with the given source and target class.
	 * A binding unifies a marshaller and an unmarshaller and both must be available to resolve a binding.
	 * The source class is considered the owning class of the binding. The source can be marshalled
	 * into the target class. Similarly, the target can be unmarshalled to produce an instance of the source type.
	 * @param key Converter Key to use
	 * @param converter The binding to be registered
	public final <S, T> void registerBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Binding<S, T> converter) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 794
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 56
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 807
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 129
		return convertTo(new ConverterKey<S,T>(input, output, qualifier), object);

	 * Convert an object which is an instance of source class to the given target class
	 * @param key The converter key to use
	 * @param object The object to be converted
	public <S, T> T convertTo(ConverterKey<S,T> key, Object object) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 891
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 953
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 984
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1017
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 176
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 192
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 208
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 224
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(Class<S> source, Class<T> target, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return findBinding(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 904
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 184
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 43
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 56
	<S,T> T convertTo(Class<T> output, Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
	// TODO Add find methods equating to convertTo
	 * Convert an object which is an instance of source class to the given target class
	 * @param input The class of the object to be converted
	 * @param output The target class to convert the object to
	 * @param object The object to be converted
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type
	 * @return The result of the conversion
	<S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\CompositeBinding.java 38
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\FromBinding.java 34
    public CompositeBinding(ToMarshaller<S, T> marshal, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> unmarshal) {
        if (unmarshal == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unmarshaller may not be null");
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 37
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 36
public final class MethodsBinding<S, T> extends MethodToMarshaller<S, T> implements Binding<S, T> {

	private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup();
    private final MethodHandle unmarshalHandle;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\ConverterToMarshaller.java 64
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\ConverterFromUnmarshaller.java 46
    public T marshal(S object) {

        return converter.convert(object);
	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
    public Class<S> getBoundClass() {
        return converter.getInputClass();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 306
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 316
	                        toMethod = bindingClass.getMethod(toMethodName, new Class[] { targetClass });
	                    } catch (SecurityException e) {
	                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
	                    if (toMethod != null && (!String.class.equals(toMethod.getReturnType())
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 44
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1184
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, output, object, qualifier);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public String convertToString(Object object) {
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 453
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 993
        	try {
				Converter<S,T> converter = (Converter<S,T>)theBinding.getBindingClass().newInstance();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 753
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 824
			throw new NoConverterFoundException(new ConverterKey<S,T>(inputClass, output, qualifier == null ? DefaultBinding.class : qualifier));
		S myObject = (S)object;
		return conv.convert(myObject);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 794
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 68
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 805
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\ConversionBinder.java 56
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<S> input, Class<T> output, Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\CompositeBinding.java 27
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\ToBinding.java 25
public class CompositeBinding<S, T> implements Binding<S, T> {

    private final ToMarshaller<S, T> marshal;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 67
org\jadira\bindings\core\provider\AbstractAnnotationMatchingConverterProvider.java 71
								matchedMethods.put(new ConverterKey<I,O>(inputClass, returnType, nextQualifier), method);
							} else {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 716
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 97
     *                *
     * Conversion API * 
     *                *
	 * Convert an object to the given target class
	 * This method infers the source type for the conversion from the runtime type of object.
	 * @param output The target class to convert the object to
	 * @param object The object to be converted
	public <S, T> T convertTo(Class<T> output, Object object) {
		return convertTo(output, object, DefaultBinding.class);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 904
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 38
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 184
	public <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 962
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 48
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 200
	public <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 993
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 58
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 216
	public <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1026
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 68
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 232
	public <S, T> FromUnmarshaller<S, T> findUnmarshaller(ConverterKey<S,T> key) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 137
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 149
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 161
    <S, T> void registerBinding(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Binding<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
	 * Register an UnMarshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The unmarshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param sourceClass The source (input) class
	 * @param targetClass The target (output) class
	 * @param converter The FromUnmarshaller to be registered
	 * @param qualifier The qualifier for which the unmarshaller must be registered
	 * @param <S> Source type
	 * @param <T> Target type  
	<S, T> void registerUnmarshaller(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, FromUnmarshaller<S, T> converter, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodConstructorBinding.java 32
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 37
public final class MethodConstructorBinding<S, T> extends MethodToMarshaller<S, T> implements Binding<S, T> {

    private final Constructor<S> unmarshal;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\binding\MethodsBinding.java 37
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 49
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\unmarshaller\MethodFromUnmarshaller.java 36
public final class MethodsBinding<S, T> extends MethodToMarshaller<S, T> implements Binding<S, T> {

	private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup();
    private final MethodHandle unmarshalHandle;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 67
org\jadira\bindings\core\general\marshaller\MethodToMarshaller.java 69
        if (marshal.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && Modifier.isStatic(marshal.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("marshal method must either be instance scope or define a single parameter");
        } else if (marshal.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && (!Modifier.isStatic(marshal.getModifiers()))) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 169
org\jadira\bindings\core\loader\BindingXmlLoader.java 297
        for (Node next : new IterableNodeList(docRoot.getChildNodes())) {
            if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == next.getNodeType()) {
                Element element = (Element) next;
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 43
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 59
	public <T> T convertFromString(Class<T> output, String object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, output, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\adapter\StringBinderAdapter.java 52
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1188
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 378
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object);

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	/* @Override */
	public String convertToString(Object object, Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier) {
		return binder.convertTo(String.class, object, qualifier);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 390
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 408
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 426
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 444
		if (Binding.class.isAssignableFrom(theBinding.getBindingClass())) {
         	 * If the binding class is an instance of the Binding interface then register it.
         	 * When the binding class is an interface, you must define source and target class if they cannot be
         	 * determined from introspecting the interface.
         	 * You can optionally supply a qualifier so that the binding is associated with a qualifier
        	try {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 858
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 153
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 201
		return findMarshaller(new ConverterKey<S,T>(source, target, DefaultBinding.class));

	 * Resolve a Converter with the given input and output classes. Instances of the input class can be converted into 
	 * instances of the output class
	 * @param input The input class
	 * @param output The output class  
	public <S, T> Converter<S, T> findConverter(Class<S> input, Class<T> output) {
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 910
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 916
		if (toTarget instanceof FromUnmarshallerConverter<?, ?>) {
			fromUnmarshaller = ((FromUnmarshallerConverter<?, ?>) toTarget).getUnmarshaller();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 912
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 918
		} else if (toTarget instanceof ToMarshallerConverter<?, ?>) {
			toMarshaller = ((ToMarshallerConverter<?, ?>) toTarget).getMarshaller();
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1111
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1125
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\BasicBinder.java 1134
			for(ConverterKey<?,?> currentKey : nextMethods.keySet()) {
				if (previouslySeenKeys.contains(currentKey)) {
					throw new IllegalStateException("Method is resolved by two converters: " + currentKey.toString());
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 89
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 248
    <S, T> void registerBinding(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Binding<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\RegisterableBinder.java 122
org\jadira\bindings\core\cdi\BinderExtension.java 272
    <S, T> void registerConverter(final Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass, Converter<S, T> converter);
File Line
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 82
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 93
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 104
org\jadira\bindings\core\binder\SearchableBinder.java 115
    <S, T> Binding<S, T> findBinding(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);
	 * Resolve a Marshaller with the given source and target class.
	 * The marshaller is used as follows: Instances of the source can be marshalled into the target class.
	 * @param source The source (input) class
	 * @param target The target (output) class
	 * @param <S> The Source type
	 * @param <T> The Target type
	 * @return The found Marshaller
    <S, T> ToMarshaller<S, T> findMarshaller(final Class<S> source, final Class<T> target);